American Legion Boys State is not a school room activity, but a practical experience for young men in the actual problems of government as it operates in Tennessee. Boys State is not meant to take the place of civics or government, as they are taught in the high schools of the state but is planned so that young men may put into actual practice the theories of government through actual participation in city, county, and state governments organized as a “Mythical 51st State”.
American citizenship is the priceless possession of us all. America is a free land, and believing that, the principles of democracy as guaranteed by our constitution have made us a great and powerful nation. The American Legion hopes to assure this freedom to our citizens of future generations. In order to accomplish this purpose, youth must be trained not only in theory of government, but in its actual practice and operation. We believe that a prepared and trained youth will more effectively preserve and perpetuate this precious heritage and be ready to assume the trust and responsibilities that go with American Citizenship.
Few realize the obligation they have to the public. Through this program, the sponsors hope to impress on future generations the responsibilities of citizenship, to develop leadership and to bring to the young men a full realization of the duties of the American citizen.
The eighty-fifth American Legion Boys State will be held on the beautiful campus of Tennessee Tech at Cookeville, from Sunday, May 19th to Friday May 24th, 2024. The young men will be report to Evins Hall on Sunday May 19th, 20204 at noon central daylight savings time. Final exercises will be held on Thursday and all young men will be expected to return to their homes on that date.
No young man will be excused to go home for civic functions, ball games, jobs, or any reason other than an actual emergency. Permission to leave will be granted only in case of extreme emergency. We feel that his time belongs to the legion for the entire six days. If parents feel the boys cannot stay for the entire period, he should not be chosen as a delegate.
The program for American Legion Boys State has been carefully arranged. Each day will bring its own problems and its own program and its own fun.
Included in the political events of the week are city conventions, city party caucuses, country conventions, city and county elections, and many other activities.
In order to be fair to all - no planning or “politicking” is allowed before the delegates arrive at Boys State. Young men are not to bring printed campaign materials.
Sunday evening will feature a memorial service for the young men with a prominent clergyman bringing the message at a general assembly.
The pass and review parade will be on Friday, May 24th and will be followed immediately by the Inauguration of the new American Legion Boys State Governor. Parents, friends, and legionnaires are invited to attend these events.
Should open up on February 15th, 2024 by going to
Tuition will remain at $425 per young man in addition to the cost of transportation to and from Cookeville. There will be no additional costs, except what little spending money the young man might want to bring with him. Little will be needed, however, for no extra fees will be collected. No solicitation of funds will be encouraged. Checks should be made payable to “American Legion Boys State, Inc.,” and sent to 318 Donelson Pike, Nashville, Tennessee, 37214.
If you have any questions please call the Department Headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, telephone number 615-391-5088.