
The American Legion Department of Tennessee

Mid-Winter Conference – Standing Committee Reports

The Resolutions Committee reviewed eight resolutions with the following results:

2024-001, Adding Supremacy Statement, from Post 46, Cookeville – Referred to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

2024-002, Clarify Crime Insurance, from Post 46, Cookeville – found out of order, resolution referenced more than a single action and was not specific as to how they wanted the revision to read or where in Constitution they would like to see revision placed.  Resolution returned to the post.

2024-003, Redistrict Post 30 Dyersburg into the Ninth District, from Tenth District – found the resolution out of order; lack of specificity – returned to the originator for clarification and/or specificity and to resubmit.

2024-004, Redistrict Post 191 Dyersburg into the Ninth District, from Tenth District – found the resolution out of order; lack of specificity – returned to the originator for clarification and/or specificity and  asked not to resubmit; another course of action needs to be considered.

2024-005, Candidacy for National Vice Commander from Post 254, Collinwood – referred to Department Executive Committee with the recommendation to approve.

2024-006, Riders 228 Big Sandy Charter Dissolution from Post 228 Big Sandy – referred to Department Executive Committee with the recommendation to approve as revised (typographical error in Whereas clause, did not affect the overall premise of the resolution).

2024-007, ALR Resolution from Post 190 Riders – resolution found out of order, multiple actions in a single resolution.  Returned to Post 190 Commander asking not to resubmit, resolution would harm the growth to the Riders program overall, along with creating an administrative and liability nightmare.

2024-008, Arts & Crafts Reelfoot Lake from Post 174 Tiptonville – recommended the Department Executive Committee approve this annual housekeeping resolution.

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee had one resolution to consider:

2024-001, Adding Supremacy Statement, from Post 46, Cookeville.  The resolution asked to reword or add a Supremacy Statement which already exists in Article IX, Section 12.   The resolution left the wording and location of the wording up to the Department Executive Committee; thereby lacking specificity.  Recommend the Department Executive Committee decline the resolution and return to Post 46, Cookeville.

The Finance Committee did not have a resolution to come before them.   The Finance Chairman’s report follows:

The Department Finance Committee met yesterday January 12, 2024. Currently we have received 47.04% of budgeted income and paid 40.32% of budgeted expenses. The 2nd part of the fiscal year will result in additional income and expenses. Expenses not covered by traditional revenue will have to be covered by withdrawing funds from Department Reserves.

The Department address label, fund-raising promotions, and sweepstakes programs are contracted through 2024 with Sweepstakes mailed in April, multiple promotions scheduled throughout the year. Total expenses to the Department for the address label, and sweepstakes programs for this fiscal year have been $124.31 and gross revenue was $4,534.01resulting in a net revenue of $4,410.70. Please sweepstakes payments of $5,000 were paid last fiscal year. These programs are necessary in order to survive.

Realistically, we probably will not see 40,000 paid current members, again. Therefore, we need to support the fund-raising programs. The overall effort is being made to offset the lost revenue, due to declining membership. Many other organizations, to include our National Headquarters, are now in the address label program. It is hoped Tennessee Legionnaires will recognize the importance of our fund-raising programs and donate accordingly to fund our VA&R initiatives.

As of December 31, 2023, only about 79.82% of our members have renewed their membership dues for 2024. That means the other 20.18% were delinquent as of January 1, 2024, and those still not paid by February 1, 2024, are now considered suspended, but nevertheless a member with no privilege to vote, or hold office, except if they renew their dues and the post votes to reinstate their membership. If dues are not paid by June 30th, the Legionnaire’s membership is forfeited. This is a requirement of both the National and Department Constitution & Bylaws. It is not a debatable rule, but the law of The American Legion. In reviewing the Legion membership situation in Tennessee, the problem is in the “failure to renew existing members.”  Recruiting new eligible veterans remains important but retaining what we have is critical. In addition, if every Legionnaire would recruit one eligible veteran from a previous or current Legion eligibility period, The American Legion would grow.

Additionally, myLegion users can potential new members by using the same process to look for Expired members in the community. membership year…once the Department Adjutant concurs, National will authorize the Post to draw upon the information provided by myLegion.

History tells us that the Failure to actively use the membership information found in myLegion, results in a continued Post Membership decline.

National Headquarters continues to place the emphasis on Post Membership Teams. Post Membership Teams must aggressively pursue all three phases of membership, which include:   retention, recruiting, and reconnecting. Normally, this is not a one-person responsibility. The word “Team” implies more than one Legionnaire doing the job of renewing current members, recruiting new eligible veterans, and reconnecting with local reserve military units.

In order for the Department to afford our current programs, we need 8% of 397,661Tennessee’s Veterans as members, or in other words 31,813 eligible veterans as traditional members. If not, we can only survive financially by utilizing funds in our Department Reserves, which are rapidly depleting. As of today, we have 17,782.

As you well know, Department Conferences and Conventions have gone from three-day events to two-day events, held on Saturday and Sunday. To avoid attrition, we reduced our room block; however, now we face a new challenge; we still require 36 meeting spaces over the two and a half days – therefore driving our Food & Beverage minimums up (to cover the cost of meeting space usage). There is not an immediate resolution to challenge since we are contracted through 2026, other than member participation. As it is the Department covers the hotel’s 25% surcharge placed on of all meals.

Commander that concludes my report.

Remaining Committee Reports available from Department Headquarters upon written request.

The American Legion National Executive Committee

Held on

May 10-11, 2023


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Title: Purchase of Multiple Years of Membership

Origin: Internal Affairs Commission

WHEREAS, The National Executive Committee of The American Legion in regular meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, on May 4-5, 2022, adopted Resolution No. 1 titled "Amend American Legion Constitution and By-laws to Allow Multi-Year And Rolling Memberships"; and

WHEREAS, The 103rd National Convention of The American Legion assembled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 30, 31, September 1, 2022 adopted Resolution No. 1 titled "Amend American Legion Constitution and By-Laws to Allow Multi-Year and Rolling Memberships" which authorized the National Executive Committee to implement a multi-year membership; and

WHEREAS, The feasibility and need for a multi-year membership has been studied by the Ad Hoc Committee to Study Membership which determined a three year option was most desirable; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, By the National Executive Committee of The American Legion in regular meeting assembled in Indianapolis, Indiana, on May 10-11, 2023, That a five year pilot program offering the purchase of three consecutive twelve month member terms at the then current dues rate be established; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That at the conclusion of the pilot program an analysis be completed to determine if sufficient use and revenue impact warrant a continuation; and, be it finally

RESOLVED, That modifications to the member data system (myLegion) needed to offer multi-year membership not exceed $75,000.


Resolution No. 37: Reaffirmation of The American Legion Policy Concerning Affiliation With Other Organizations
Origin: Subcommittee ou Resolutions Submitted by: Subcommittee on Resolutions

WHEREAS, The American Legion adopted Resolution No. 6, National Executive Committee, October 10-11-12, 1952, concerning the affiliation of The American Legion with other organizations; and
WHEREAS, The adoption of that resolution was a reaffirmation of a long-established
policy of The American Legion which has proved its wisdom by prohibiting The American Legion from joining any such organization, committee, association, council, or group in which The American Legion is not permitted a full voice and vote in determining matters of policy of such organization, committee, association, council or group; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the National Executive Committee of The American Legion in regular meeting assembled in Indianapolis, Indiana, on May 4-5, 1988, That The American Legion shall not be a member of, or affiliated with, any organization, committee, association, council or group whereby The American Legion might be committed to a policy contrary to that adopted by The American Legion; and, be it finally
RESOLVED, That the National Adjutant is instructed to circulate this resolution to all Departments and National Officers of The American Legion on a yearly basis.